The word ‘Geopathic’ is derived from two Greek words: ‘Geo’ means ‘Earth’ and ‘Pathos’ means ‘Suffering’ or ‘Disease’. Geopathic Stress is the general term used for natural radiation emanating from the earth, which may cause health problems in human beings, animals, and plants. It is also known to cause higher breakdowns.
Prolonged exposure to geopathic stress is an invisible risk to your health. Aged people and children are more vulnerable to the ill-effects of geopathic radiation. Workplaces show a higher attrition rate and lower productivity whereas plants & factories have increased downtime and lower efficiency.
Geopathic stress doesn’t just affect homes. At workplace, it can lead to employees feeling dissatisfied, tired and disgruntled leading to higher absenteeism and even attrition.
Get a quick solution from our trained experts. We provide on-demand expert consultation to find you foolproof solutions and make your structures ‘geopathic stress’ free. Our years of experience and proven expertise can help you live a happy life. Consultant charges for Geopathic Stress Removal is Rs 501/- (for 30 minutes)

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